
The rain. Today would make it the 6th day of non-stop rain in Tokyo, ranging from an incessant battering on windows panes and ineffectual umbrellas, to the even more maddening dribbling that is almost never, but quite close to, no rain. Finding your bearings, geographically and metaphorically, in this massive mega-city in such weather is a pain. Last night I set out for a popular hangout, got lost, and arrived 30 mins late soaked to the nether regions and grumpy. Wet socks make me grumpy. I imagine that the multitude of unsmiling Tokyoites that one sees in the metro are all silently plodding about in squelchy socks. Why else would they be so somber?

Without bothering to transition from that uninteresting anecdote, to another uninteresting piece of information.. let me say that my chief concern at this moment is not the possibility of radiation raining down on me (that topic is for another post another day), but that this effing rain, storm etc dies out in time for the flight to my third most interesting city in the world. Tomorrow I leave J-land briefly for a friend's wedding in NY. This friend is a Mangalorean-American marrying a German-American, and between the two of them they don't speak a word of Tulu or German! I am superbly chuffed about going to the US of A again, its been almost 2 years since my last debacle there where I almost died from drowning in a frigid Alaskan glacier lake (again, another post another day). This time the most dangerous activity planned would be the said friend's bachelor party.. the boy has been known to go crazy.. and I wholeheartedly approve of such debauchery.

Perhaps I will post of such inappropriateness, but if I don't, assume that my nether regions are well cared for and that I am certainly not grumpy anymore.


  1. Aren't there any older posts but for these two? :-) It is such good fun to discover new blogs but ones that have been around for a long time so there is so much fodder to read. :D

  2. As a kid, rain made for the best memories, paper boats, hot tea, cuddle under blankets, play scrabble etc.

    Now, as an adult in London, it wears off. It teases you. Could it be, could it be sunny today, and then anything can happen, it's so gorgeous, so full of possibility. Every relentlessly rainy phase makes you crave like an addict, for the sun.

  3. Utopia: Unfortunately not. I was never one to be careful with possessions of yesteryears, and now I seemed to have lost the entire old blog. But worry not, only very few of them posts were worth reading ;)

    PM: Thanks for sharing that. I never thought about it much, but you are right. Coming out of childhood I also left behind my fascination with rain. Now it is only a precursor to thinking about what I will be doing once it stops.
